The Art of Animaling: back to work, sigh

Monday, October 22, 2007

back to work, sigh

Ah, it works again.

Good Charlotte concert from eons ago

My granny's 80th birthday back in May

Ye Old Smokehouse in Camerons

Mr SiuYook inside the red telephone booth


I'm gonna buy two phones; Sony Ericsson W700i and W200i. Me dad's credit card company got promotion ^^ RM1,400++ for both phones. Syok!


Saw a beautiful siberian husky at a pet shop in SS2 last week. He had one blue eye and one brown eye. And such gorgeous fur too! Tried to take a photo but he was too hyper. And Ooh! My neighbour gave away their puppy. Apparently they don't have the time to take care of it. The poor dude was soaked when it rained, cuz he was locked up in the cage and no one was home. This only means good news for me: no more annoying yipyaps at 8am every morning!


Work life is maddening; I'm back in all the hulabaloo and more. And more and more and more and MORE work. Shucks.

p.s. Selamat Hari Raya everyone! I missed out on all that lemang again, just too lazy to force myself through the bazaar crowds. Oh well.


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