Sunday, September 24, 2006
Never ever mess with SiuYook!
Don't kacau SiuYook training please. He was happily training until an assasin (exitway66) buat kacau. So me, Nic and Eva kacau him back until he cannot tahan. Below are screenshoots of what happened after we bully him back.
Who's your daddy now, bitch!

And yeah, we all love Barney the purple dinosaur
Nic on ken's Chief Bandit (kornyken), Eva on my Cleric(SiuYook) and I'm on my Dragon Knight (Skeptical).
How does it feel to kacau Garyman? WONDERFUL!
Once, me, Styne, Gary, Ken and Nic went charsiu fan at night. I was driving my Kenari and Styne's with me. Gary was behind my car. I drove super slow and in front of me, there's a traffic light with timer. 11 seconds before it turn red, Gary tried to potong me but I drove faster and make sure he's always behind me. He wanted to potong me twice but tak jadi. 5 seconds before it turns red, I stopped in front of the traffic light. The traffic light turns yellow and before red, I pecut and left him behind. >=D When he reached Charsiu fan shop, he damm bengang.
Styne: If you have a gun now, who would you shoot?
Gary: Liang!(without hesitation)
Styne: What if you have a gun with two bullets? (Nic also kacau him)
Gary: Liang also
Styne: What if he's dead after the first shot?
Gary: Don't care...continue shoot only
Liang: -___-
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