The Art of Animaling: There's dream..and then there's memories..

Monday, September 11, 2006

There's dream..and then there's memories..

Steve Irwin aka Crocodile Hunter is dead. Yes, it's true. I remember when I first saw the news in the internet, I was kindda shocked. *rubs my eyes* A stingray poke through his chest and he died when he was on the way to the hospital. The same day, I saw lots of totis on my MSN. Why totis? The closest answer I can get is Crocodile=green, Totis=green. And yeah, I spammed my MSN with lots of totis as a respect to him =p. I'm not a fan of his but I respect for what he has done. His passion towards his job and animals cannot be denied. There's once I saw him on Astro about forest fires. He ran into the burning forest and some of his crews got panic. Later on, he carried some of the animals with him. Would you do that? Not for me. Rest in peace, Mr.Crocodile hunter.


It's never been easy to wait for her. Never. Sometimes I do get emo but I'll never throw tantrum to make myself better. I would just go to sleep. *snores* Hrm..I remember the first time we went to McD and order for ourselves a set of meal. Omigosh, she loves ketchup as much as I do. *punches air* Damm rare to find ketchup lover.Hoho! Once, I went McD with Jon, and he called me a small kid cos only small kids love ketchup. >.<

I can't stare at her like I always do. I only get to see her pictures on my table...on my my wallet. Why bother waiting? Because she's worth my every second.

You have stolen my heart


Blogger Rileen Aya said...

liang's ke-emo-an amazes me. eva so lucky X|

i also wannnnn lovey dovey postsssss

12:21 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

touching post!!


1:33 PM 

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