The Art of Animaling: pretty random

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

pretty random

Tagged by Ayabunny~

- I was tall until 12. Inched to average height at 13. Completely stopped growing at 14/15. Bleh.
- I had bad acne until recently. Thanks to the miracle called NeoStrata (RM200 per set. ouch.)
- I have a tummy that SiuYook likes to poke. *grrr*
- I hate my thighs. That's how I got the name CharSiu. *bah*
- I don't have much issues with cleavage. Small is better than flat. (hurhur!)
- I love my nails! Inherited from Dad. Thanks Dad <3
- I inherited my Mom's hot ass. (Why didn't I get your cleavage T_T. ahem)
- I have tiny feet. Size 4. You could barely see my feet under the baju kurung school uniform.
- I've always been tan.
- I used to hate my eyes.
- My natural hair is coarse and frizzy. Yuck.
- I used to be skinny and had long straight hair that fell to my waist. (damn you puberty!)
- I feel like piercing my belly button.
- I'm blind without my glasses/lenses.

Family/Home Life
- I'm not a homely person. I'm always out of the house.
- Me and Dad, we have a quiet understanding =)
- I had a horrible relationship with Mom when I was growing up.
- I bitch, gossip and rant with Mom now.
- I have a gorgeous relationship with my brother.
- I've bitten and punched my brother when he was a kid.
- Adrian lets me paint his nails =D
- My father's sisters pamper me.
- I miss my granddad.
- I love my grandma.
- I love my cousin Han <3
- I wuv my baby doggy! rawr~

- I was a top student until Form 2. That's when I met boys. roflwtf
- I used to be on top of homework and assignments; now I'm buried in them.
- I'm in my final semester at uni woo~
- I enjoyed primary school immensely; best years of my life =)
- I hated secondary school. Stupid boys that give you heartbreaks.
- I loved college. All the fun. Drama. Love. (this is where real education begins)
- I've skipped countless classes.
- I slept in class 3 times only. I mean like, REALLY sleep. Completely knocked out.
- I hate art and I suck at it.
- I love language and math --> not add math ok?
- I remember playing hopscotch and batu seremban during recess.
- My primary school guru besar was G. Jeyarathman and we drew portraits of him when he retired. (wtf I can remember weird stuff)
- We used to collect saga seeds and make paper caterpillars.
- Teachers banned us from capturing ladybirds because some mean kids started pulling off their wings to keep them.
- My Standard 1 class teacher was Pn. Rohani. First day of school she thought we were playing tricks on her during roll call. Because there were two EeWah's in the class rofl. (Ee Wah and Ee-Wah)

- My classmate pulled a chair from under me and I fell splat on my butt.
- I was balancing my nine year old self on the hind legs of a plastic chair at the beach in Terengganu, eating sweet corn when I fell over backwards. It was a BBQ dinner. Nestle's Family Day. All my Dad's colleagues. And their families. I was wearing a skirt. T__T
- I wore a pair of shorts backwards once. At Subang Parade.
- I tugged at my mom's sleeve at a pasar malam, whining for her to buy me stickers. I looked up and it wasn't Mom.
- Outside the dewan in primary school, waiting for our band performance to begin. Our band uniform included short white skirts. A gust of wind picked up my skirt and almost flashed my undies.
- Period stains.
- The wind blew and my skirt flew up. All the way up. In the middle of Brisbane city. Across a pub full of men. (eh, this happened again in Malacca. outside Blink.) Stupid skirt.
- A very strong wave crashed on me at Surfer's Paradise and my bikini bottom slipped. *gah*
- I was at a friend's birthday party and I needed to pee. The bathroom door was faulty and I couldn't lock it. I couldn't tahan anymore so I stopped fiddling the lock and went ahead to pee. A guy walked in on me. *pah!*
- I had a friend who loved to pull girls' pinafore skirts up in school. I was one of her victims. (dammit, what is it with me and skirts?!)

- I don't have travel sickness =D
- My first overseas trip was to America. Too bad I was only 6. The only thing I remembered was Disneyland. (and that I was too short for almost all the rides, dammit)
- I want to travel my own country. I want to visit Sabah and Sarawak. Climb Mt Kinabalu.
- I've been on a Europe Tour. Venice is more romantic than Paris. Italy is full of hot babes. Switzerland was the best. I forgot to make a snowman at Mt Titlis. (that's Zurich) If I ever get to go to France again, I'm going all the way up Eiffel Tower (the tour only paid for first floor) and eat all the amazing crepes.
- I want to have my honeymoon at some beautiful beach or island. Bahamas. Maldives. Phi Phi Islands. Ipanema.
- The last flight I had back to Australia, they disinfected us. They freaking took cans of disinfectant and sprayed us (not spray directly on us, but into the air while walking up and down the aisles) before allowing us to disembark. Freaking MAS. *kicks*

- During Standard 6, some of my friends decided to write fake love letters to me and tried to make me guess who the guy was.
- My Standard 5 English teacher used to pick on me.
- Once, I fought with my mom, got damn pissed, and finished up a whole chapter of math exercises while sobbing on the bed.
- Sometime between secondary school and college, I was in a leave-me-alone phase.
- My first pets were a pair of albino hamsters. I watched my granddad throw one of them into the garbage can when it died.
- I cried for a month when my first dog - Ricky - died in 1995.
- I kena flashed 3 times. The first time it happened, I was 10. (wtf right?)
- I kena molested at pasar malam before.
- I had a romantic kiss under the moonlight at the beach. Then we got up with our pants full of sand. (cheh, spoil only)
- I've seen a shooting star too! =)
- I've yet to watch a proper sunrise.
- I stopped a few escalators in Summit. Feeling hyper that day.
- Countless horrible experiences at the salon. Up until I took the risk and agreed to be a "model" (read: guinea pig) and got a fantabulous pixie haircut. Free sumore =D
- I've kissed a girl. With tongue and all. (she got dared to french kiss me)
- I've skipped baths for 1,2,3 and 4 days before.
- I've cried in school.
- I missed the final band party due to a viral infection.
- I enjoyed playing Bare Knuckles on Sega Megadrive with my Dad.
- My brother threw the green dinosaur toy (from Toy Story) at me and I got a benjol on my forehead.
- We used to have fun waking Dad up on Sunday mornings. We'd jump and roll around the bed, poke Dad, tickle Dad, pull his misai, kacau him until he got up.

- I don't do flings. I feel that it's not worth my time to do short-term relationships.
- I've sacrificed tonnes for relationships. Love whole-heartedly; if not, don't love at all.
- This is my first LDR. And my last, hopefully.
- I've been dumped and I've dumped.
- Race and religion are not issues for me. Love knows no boundaries.
- I've been cheated on; by my first love.
- My close friend and I used to like the same guy.
- My superficial self falls for certain types of guys.
- Thankfully, my heart leads me to the nice guys.
- I've fallen for guys who took me as their buddy.
- I've told someone "i love you" when I didn't.
- I've forgotten what it feels like to be single.
- I'm thankful for what I have now. *hugs bee*

- I think my boyfriend is hawt *spanks*
- I love sturdy broad shoulders.
- Stand straight and tall. Guys who slouch look like hobos.
- Dress well. Always look presentable. Use deodorant if you tend to stink.
- I like a good massage.
- I love to sniff my bf. Mmm, smells yummy~
- Confidence is sexy.

- I've lied tonnes.
- I've stolen once.
- I've cheated on tests.
- I've used scapegoats before.
- I've gossiped tonnes.
- I've pretended to like people when I didn't.
- I don't bother to pretend anymore.
- I've done a lot of nonsense that my parents don't know about.
- I'm pretty good at lying to myself. (i need to stop this)

- I've drank loads.
- I've been drunk till the point of hungovers, but never puked.
- I laugh a lot when I'm drunk.
- Wine is my favourite.
- I hate Hoegaarden, it tastes like crap. It's the most overrated beer ever (i.e. people who drink it wanna think that they are cool and sophisticated and different)
- My favourite beers are Tiger, Tooheys and Irish beer. Don't give me that Heineken crap.
- I kinda like port wine and sake.
- I haven't had champagne. (expensive leh)
- My friend taught me how to drink beer like old men. Tiger + Stout + dried plum. Quite awesome also.
- When I have a cold/flu/sore throat, I love those medicines that knock you out and make you sleep for 8 hours straight.
- I had weed once without knowing it. Someone secretly spiked the shisha with a tiny bit of weed.
- The first time I got drunk, it was on Tequila pops and wine.
- Eh, I wanna have some tuak.
- I died once on MapleStory cuz I was tipsy >_<
- Once, I was drunk, Abel asked me my bra size and Nigel asked me what's his name -_-
- I enjoy drinking with the bf. He's so funny when he's drunk =D
- I get tipsy quite easily, but I think I'm pretty good at controlling my drinks.
- I always feel like eating something greasy and hearty when I'm smashed.
- Fruit juices are a good cure for hangovers.

- I was depressed when my granddad passed away.
- I still miss him. And cry sometimes.
- My dog is almost 10 years old. He's old. I don't want him to die =(
- I never really thought about suicide.
- If possible, I want to die together with my husband. I don't want either of us to be alone when the other dies.

- I'm not a fan of branded stuff. Why should I spend money to advertise for them? (think about it. we are practically walking billboards for them. THEY should be paying us instead!)
- I've become extremely cynical about consumerism. Study mass comm la, you'll learn about what goes on behind evil scheming advertisement masterminds. You have no idea the extent to which we, the masses, are manipulated.
- I only buy original CD's of artists that I REALLY love.
- I have no use for an MP3 player. I carry a book with me instead.
- I love brandless cheapo stuff. My favourite place to shop is Sungai Wang, the haven of ah-lian stores where if you dig hard enough, you'll find some pretty good gems.
- The only time I'd ever spend loads is on SHOES. *gaga*
- I hate gadgets. The only functions I ever use on the handphone is: call, sms, alarm clock.
- I hate Miss Selfridge. I bought two halter tops from them and it stretched out of shape after the very first wash! I hand washed it sumore. What a waste of money, bah.
- I love a good bargain. I have tops that I bought at RM1 and RM3.
- Oh scratch that, I'd spend loads on food too =P
- I hate Levi's, I can never find a good cut. On the other hand, ah lian brands of jeans have some pretty awesome cuts. (they don't last as long, but with the cheap price tag, you can afford new ones when they go all out of shape and you can cut the old ones into shorts! =D)
- The only brand I'd consider spending on is LV, for the good quality. My mom's LV collection is still alive, and they are older than me!

Political/Social Attitudes
- Politics are necessary, but a pain in the butt.
- I am clueless about politics.
- I plan to vote! But I need to educate myself first. Cannot simply vote.
- I've learnt to be open minded and not be judgmental of others.
- Malaysians have a bad attitude of judging others. (eh, people wanna wear hot pants let them wear la. what does it have to do with you? jealous of people's sexy long legs is it? so what if she's fat, she can wear whatever she wants cuz she has CONFIDENCE. stop judging dei!)
- Good manners is important.
- I'm okay with a lot of things, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
- I don't always stick to my principles. Heck, what ARE my principles?
- I'm quiet and shy with people I'm not close to.
- I'm dam crazy noisy with people I'm comfortable with.
- I hate people who are insensitive and not seng mook (sorry, I dunno how to say in English)
- Respect other people's privacy and personal views.
- I hate stereotypes and am learning to stop stereotyping.

- Vincci reminds SiuYook of me XD
- I like to bake and make desserts.
- I like to cook and stuff the bf with food.
- He bought me Rocky biscuits and hid it, but I saw it in the kitchen haha.
- I can raise my left eyebrow.
- I have a teddy bear that I kept since I was a baby.
- Sometimes I sleep with my head at the foot of the bed just cause I'm bored.
- Sometimes my brother is more matured than me.
- I love Archie comics.
- I'm not afraid of cockroaches. I step on them. *flex muskels*
- I am good at keeping secrets. (maybe cuz I forget them sometimes? XD)
- People tend to think I'm sweet and cute. But I can be very MEAN >=D (and incredibly bitchy).
- I'm anal about grammar, spelling and MISUSE OF WORDS. Heck, don't use it if you don't understand the word la. Why wanna act smart and use the word wrongly? Either use a dictionary or don't use the word at all. Save yourself the embarrassment.
- I am neat and organised. I love making lists.
- I am not a nature person. Don't ask me to go to the jungle and camp.
- I curse more than the bf.
- I suck at driving.
- I can't make myself burp.
- SiuYook is the tallest guy I ever dated. And in return, I'm the shortest girl he's ever dated -_-
- I hate chain mail.
- I laugh a lot.
- I am damn ticklish.
- Contrary to popular belief, I'm not good at remembering birthdays. (threw away my old diary and calendar before copying down the birthdates! argh!)
- I love wearing bright colours.
- I love leopard prints and army/camo prints.
- I love earrings.
- My favourite perfume is Ralph (the blue bottle) and Ralph Glamourous.
- At 22, I still feel like a kid. Enjoying it, perhaps? ;)

Fuh! That's the longest tag ever! I'm tired now lol. But it was good doing it, reminded me of a lot of things about myself. I hope no one fainted reading that because I'm a bit cheong hei and have this perpetual need to explain myself. XD

~CharSiu xoxo

p.s. SiuYook lazy to do the tag hmph!


Blogger Rileen Aya said...

i read from starting till endingg!! and i enjoyed every part of it! XD

-- omg. SIZE 4. dats like.. half of my foot! *gasps*
-- A very strong wave crashed on me at Surfer's Paradise and my bikini bottom slipped. *gah* <<< =D~
-- - I've kissed a girl. With tongue and all. (she got dared to french kiss me) <<< =D~~~~~ roro wild! XD
-- i love to sniff my baby tooo XD
-- i wanna climb Mt. Kinabalu tooo! (dapat kawan!) yay~ hey ho let's gooo!!!

*awaits eva to baliks*

thanks for doing my tag babe ! *hugs*

8:50 PM 
Blogger CharSiu said...

haha, glad you enjoyed it! i had fun doing this, thanks for tagging me =D

i'm gonna start saving for it let's go let's go! weeeeeeee =D

10:36 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good product for Acne can found it at Guardian. name - Dalacin T.

Wearing Jeans skirt the wind will not blow it up. :)

The Product of Clarins name Body Shaping Cream can help ur thighs n tummy more flat n slim. And the cream smell good.


11:45 PM 
Blogger SiuYook said...

Hrm...I want to get rid of my tummy...maybe get those cream cos I'm lazy to exercise.

2:55 AM 
Blogger Rileen Aya said...

siuyook buy uZap! u needmore than cream. u need a miracle. XD

1:51 PM 
Blogger CharSiu said...

i tried Dalacin T. before but it doesn't work on me =( the one i'm using now is only available with prescription, for really terrible acne (like mine T_T).

is the body shaping cream expensive? but then again, the problem with me is LAZYNESS =P i'll probably be too lazy to apply the cream >_< hehe

thanks for the recommendations anyway =D

1:55 PM 
Blogger CharSiu said...

LOL at aya's comment~ XD

1:57 PM 
Blogger SiuYook said...

I need a miracle..indeed..>.< Mount Kinabalu is where we gonna explore 1 day. w00t! Looking forward for Tioman island and Penang first (^^,).

6:52 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone was

hmm.. Ur acne was terrible maybe so Dalacin T. no work it. Go to see Skin Specialist if ur acne still cannot recover :)

The cream price below RM190


7:50 AM 

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