Wednesday, May 30, 2007
taking a breather
I understand the Monday Blues and TGIF a lot more now.
Work doesn't suck. Well, maybe a leeee-tle.
Business is not something easy to get your head around.
I understand why people get burnt out so fast;
they try to cram everything into their lives, try to please many parties at one time.
You just can't do that.
I don't feel like watching TV or going out anymore because I'm tired.
I just want to rest whenever I can.
And if I decide I want to indulge in other activities besides work, I deal with the consequences
i.e. crawling into the office the next morning and trying not to fall asleep after lunch.
Work never ends. So take time off to rest when you need it.
Besides, your work quality is better when you're feeling better.
Hehe. I'll take any excuse to rest.
In the last two weeks plus that I've been working, I met a lot more Datuks and Tan Sris than I ever have in my entire life. Most of them are very nice. Probably because they want you to write good stuff about them haha.
I like people from the chinese press. Nanyang, Sin Chew, China Press. They are all super duper friendly and are never stingy with their notes. Well, I can only speak for those I've met lah. Can't say that about everyone. Don't get me wrong, there are also nice people from english press too. Just that the air is more...competitive with them around. Hahaha.
Ok Yew Jin, I hope you're the only one from office reading this. DO NOT READ THIS BLOG IN THE OFFICE AR. Otherwise I'll...I'll spike your coffee. You are only allowed to read this as my friend, not as colleague. Okaaaaaaaaaaay? And thanks a million for all the rides. Don't bully me when I move over to your desk :D dor dor zhi gao~
Today at work, while I was mulling in my brain dead state, I received an sms.
The dearest boyfriend sends me a message to tell me that he's at the beach, lying down relaxing, thinking of me.
Aww, shucks.
I wish I was there too! Sigh. He's probably at some seafood restaurant having his dinner now. got new mobile phone recently. Sponsored by da Godfather. Hohoho.
He gave me his N70 because he bought himself the N95.
He's also sponsoring me a set of wheels. *grin*
I need to buy myself the P sticker cuz I suck at driving.
I can't park.
I hate Carrefour's spirally spiral carpark ramp.
I hate roundabouts; the first time I failed driving test was at the bloody roundabout.
How sad :(
I'm babysitting Liang's Kenari until Friday. But I don't dare to drive it lest I damage it *eeps*
I want to buy new shoes.
I need to get more work clothes.
I want to watch Pirates 3.
I want to meet up with friends to chit chat.
I want to go to IKEA.
I want to go shopping at Sg Wang.
I want to take sticker photo.
I want to get bangs.
I want to buy dresses from Amour.
I want to buy earring tower.
I need to clean the hamster's cage.
I need to alter my clothes.
I need to plan something for Father's Day.
I need to exercise.
I want to hunt for good banana leaf rice.
I want to eat at Lotus in PJ.
I want to eat SS15 burger dadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
When can I get all these done? Sigh :(
*think happy thoughts*
Grandma's 80th Birthday two weekends ago. Photos to be uploaded!
Yew Jin's girlfriend's 21st Birthday dinner this Saturday. Need to order cake!
Going to Malacca for the weekend NEXT WEEK WAHOO~!!! Want to eat assam laksa and cendol and the famous bakery, Nadeje (did I get that right?) *eateateateateat*
Off to iron my clothes and sleep. Ta!
which weekend are u talking bout? *books ewa*
*massage massage*
you make working life looks so omgwtf. wat u working as now? not babysitting little devils anymore?
i am talking about liang's birthday weekend :D i'll be in malacca after work on 8 june, friday nite.
i'm working as a writer for the edge now. sometimes i feel tempted to go back to little devils :P
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